Installation and Setup

Rename XCode Project

1. Rename the Project

  1. Open your project in Xcode.

  2. In the Project Navigator on the left side, click once on your project name to make it editable.

  3. Enter your new project name and press Enter.

    This will rename the project itself and will also update the build target's name.

2. Rename the Scheme

  1. In the top bar (near the Run and Stop buttons), click on the active scheme (the dropdown list that shows your project name and the device it's running on).
  2. From the dropdown, select Manage Schemes....
  3. Click on the scheme that bears your project's name, wait a moment, and it will become editable.
  4. Rename it and then close the dialog.

3. Rename the Folder

This step is optional, but for completeness, you might want your main project folder to have the same name as your project:

  1. Close Xcode.
  2. In Finder, navigate to your project folder and rename it to the new name.
  3. Open the project in Xcode by clicking on the .xcodeproj file.

4. Update the Bundle Identifier (if needed)

If you're changing the project name because you want a different bundle identifier, you should change that too:

  1. In Xcode, click on the project in the Project Navigator.
  2. In the main view, select the target.
  3. Go to the General tab.
  4. Modify the Bundle Identifier as needed.

5. Search for any lingering old names

It's a good practice to ensure that the old name doesn't exist anywhere in the project:

  1. Use the search functionality in Xcode (the search bar at the bottom of the Project Navigator).
  2. Enter the old project name and see if it comes up anywhere, especially in code comments or documentation.

6. Test your project

After renaming:

  1. Clean the build folder (Shift + Cmd + K).
  2. Build and run your project (Cmd + R) to ensure that everything works as expected.
Getting started