Models and ViewModels

Feature Model


The Feature model is a simple data structure used in ShipThatApp to represent the individual features or benefits showcased during the app's onboarding process.


The model is a Swift struct that conforms to the Identifiable protocol, which makes it compatible with SwiftUI's ForEach and other list structures.


  • id: A unique identifier for each instance of the Feature, usually of type UUID.
  • title: A string value representing the name or headline of the feature.
  • description: A string providing a more detailed explanation of the feature.
  • icon: An optional string that can store the name of the corresponding icon image asset.


The Feature model is designed to encapsulate all necessary information about an onboarding feature in a single, reusable object. It is utilized to dynamically generate onboarding content by iterating over an array of Feature instances.


Typically, an array of Feature objects is created to represent each slide or card within the onboarding view. This array can then be used in a ForEach loop to generate the corresponding UI elements, each bound to a Feature's properties.


Here is a conceptual representation of how the Feature model might be used to create onboarding content (actual source code not provided):

struct OnboardingView: View {
    let features: [Feature] = [
        Feature(title: "Easy to Use", description: "Get started quickly with a user-friendly interface.", icon: "icon-easy-to-use"),
        Feature(title: "Secure", description: "We use state-of-the-art security measures to protect your information.", icon: "icon-secure")

    var body: some View {
        TabView {
            ForEach(features) { feature in
                FeatureCardView(feature: feature)


Developers may add additional properties to the Feature model to accommodate specific needs, such as URL links for more information, video assets, or color themes for each feature.


Testing for the Feature model would involve ensuring that each instance carries the necessary data and that any computed properties or methods, if added, function as expected.
