Views and Components



The OnboardingView.swift file in the ShipThatApp SwiftUI application is a central component responsible for guiding users through the onboarding process. This view typically includes a series of screens that highlight the main features and benefits of the app, aiming to educate new users before they start using the application.


OnboardingView is structured as a standalone view that can consist of multiple child views or components representing individual onboarding steps. It is displayed conditionally based on a flag stored in @AppStorage, which tracks whether the user has completed the onboarding process.

Components of Onboarding

Onboarding Screens

The individual screens within the OnboardingView may make use of models like Feature that contain information such as title, description, and an associated icon.

Completion Mechanism

The view usually includes some form of navigation control, such as a "Next" or "Skip" button that allows users to proceed through the onboarding steps or bypass them altogether.

Final Transition

Upon completing or skipping the onboarding, a mechanism is triggered to update the @AppStorage flag, indicating that onboarding has been completed, causing ContentView to transition to the login or main content view.

Logic Flow

The OnboardingView often employs a state-based logic or a view model to control the current step of the onboarding flow and handle user interactions. Here's a logical flow of how OnboardingView operates conceptually (note that actual source code is not provided):

  1. Initialize view components with the required data (e.g., Feature list).
  2. Present each feature with visual and textual representation.
  3. Provide navigation controls for the user to move forward or backward.
  4. Update an @AppStorage property upon completion to indicate that onboarding is complete.


OnboardingView can be heavily customized to fit the branding and design language of the app:

  • Use custom animations or page transitions for a polished user experience.
  • Localize text content to support multiple languages.
  • Include interactive elements or video demos.

Events and Analytics

In OnboardingView, analytics events may be sent to track user progression through the onboarding steps using an analytics manager, such as TelemetryClient.
