Views and Components

Lottie Views


LottieViews are specialized SwiftUI views that incorporate Lottie animations into the ShipThatApp application. Lottie is a popular library that allows the use of high-quality animations exported as JSON files from Adobe After Effects. It's particularly used in the app to enhance the visual interactivity and provide a dynamic user experience.


In ShipThatApp, LottieViews are used to illustrate concepts, guide users through the app, and enhance the overall aesthetic. These views can be included in onboarding screens, as loading indicators, empty state illustrations, or success animations after a user completes an action.


A typical LottieView in ShipThatApp includes:

  • An AnimationView, which is the Lottie component that renders the animation.
  • State properties controlling the playback, such as play state, loop mode, and playback progress.

Usage Scenarios

LottieViews can be used for:

  • Onboarding: Animations during onboarding that align with the app's features.
  • Feedback: Successful action confirmations, such as completing a purchase.
  • Loading States: Animated placeholders while content is loading.
  • Empty States: Friendly animations that engage users when no content is available.
  • Background Decorations: Subtle animations that serve as lively background elements.


Developers can customize LottieViews by:

  • Selecting appropriate Lottie animations that support the desired app theme.
  • Adjusting the animation playback speed, looping, and starting/stopping animations based on user interaction.
  • Scaling and positioning LottieViews within different parts of the UI.

Events and Analytics

Analytic events can be attached to various interactions with LottieViews such as when an animation is played, paused, or completed, giving insights into user engagement with animated content.
