Views and Components



The SignInView.swift in the ShipThatApp project is a user interface component that provides users with the ability to sign into the application. This view handles the presentation of various authentication options, including email/password input, magic link, as well as third-party authentication like Sign in with Apple.


SignInView acts as a gateway for users to access the main content of the application. It plays a key role in user conversion and retention, making it essential for the SignInView to be both user-friendly and secure.

Authentication Options

Typically, SignInView includes multiple buttons or input fields that users can interact with to begin the sign-in process. Each of these options is connected to corresponding authentication methods managed by AuthManager.

UI Elements

  • Branding elements such as the app logo or name for visual identity.
  • Text fields for the user to enter their email address and password.
  • Toggleable options for choosing between different types of authentication methods.
  • Sign in and registration calls to action, guiding users toward the next steps.

Logic Flow

SignInView works in conjunction with SignInViewModel to verify user input, manage sign-in requests, and handle navigation based on authentication status. It may look something like this:

  1. Present input fields for email and password.
  2. Offer a button to trigger the sign-up process if the user doesn’t have an account.
  3. Include a Sign in with Apple button for OAuth-based authentication.
  4. Validate input and call sign-in methods from SignInViewModel.
  5. Handle errors and provide user feedback accordingly.


Customize the SignInView to create a welcoming and straightforward sign-in experience:

  • Adapt the styling to align with your app’s branding and design system.
  • Utilize custom animations or transitions for user interactions.
  • Provide clear error messages and user prompts for data input.

Events and Analytics

Implement analytics tracking within SignInView to monitor the effectiveness of different authentication methods and user’s behavior during the sign-in process.
